Until Death Do Us Part - Jonas

Rabu, Februari 11, 2009

#99. Crank 2 : High Voltage Poster

Crank 2: High Voltage is the upcoming sequel to the action film, Crank. It picks up exactly where the first film left off, retaining its "real-time" feel. The film is rated R for "Frenetic strong bloody violence throughout, crude and graphic sexual content, nudity, and pervasive language". Crank 2 is written and directed by Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor, who both wrote and directed the previous film, Crank. The movie has received an R rating by the MPAA based on an interview with Amy Smart. She was photographed brandishing taped nipples and disclosed that her character Eve has become a pole dancer and said that there will be another public sex scene with Jason Statham; this time taking place on a horse racing track. Release date is tentatively set for April 17, 2009.

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